Pakistan to raise Kashmir issue at every world forum in 2020
On January 5, 1949, the United Nations Commission on India and Pakistan passed a resolution calling for a free and fair referendum to allow the people of Jammu and Kashmir to decide whether to join India or Pakistan. has been. The two countries accepted the principle but failed to reach a consensus due to differences in the interpretation of the procedure. Eighty-one years ago, Pakistan's ambassador to Turkey, Muhammad Cyrus Sajjad Qazi, in an exclusive interview with Anadolu Agency, explained whether the resolution was still relevant and the failure of the international body and parties involved in implementing the resolution.

Pakistan's envoy Qazi gives an exclusive interview to Anadolu Agency
Anadolu Agency: Kashmir issue is the world's oldest unresolved international dispute? Why is it hanging for so many days?
Muhammad Cyrus Sajjad Qazi (MSQ): There is always more than one party involved in a dispute. And in this case, neither Kashmiris nor Pakistanis can be blamed for the delay. In fact, the blame lies entirely with India.
The record contains several statements by Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister, stating that India has promised Kashmiris the right to self-determination and that Kashmiris will decide their own future. But unfortunately, with the passage of time, Nehru himself and the subsequent Indian governments, perhaps under a very thoughtful scheme, have been shying away from the promises and the need to make them through international law. Because basically, I think that was the goal. Take the territory of Jammu and Kashmir and make it part of the Indian Union against the wishes of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
Its latest revelation and its most visible revelation came on August 5, 2019, when special articles of the Indian Constitution gave some autonomy to the Kashmiri people and also abolished the Jammu and Kashmir region.
Q: India says and is confidently trying to tell the world that the repeal of a special provision of the Indian Constitution was an internal matter and does not affect the larger issue. Diplomatically, what has actually changed since India's decision?
MSQ: Diplomatically, nothing has changed. The Jammu and Kashmir dispute is an international dispute. There are more than a dozen UN resolutions on Kashmir.
The Indian mindset on this issue has changed. Now, feeling more confident, thinking that over time, Kashmiris want the right to self-determination.
India can say whatever it wants. The fact is that Kashmir is an international dispute. The fact is that the Kashmiri people have not accepted the first Indian occupation and now the annexation of India.
Thanks to friends like Turkey
Q: Since India revoked the special status on August 5, we have not seen many countries, except Turkey, China, and Malaysia, clearly come forward to support the cause of Kashmir or Pakistan. Why was that
MSQ: There are two sides to this problem. First of all, we are grateful to our Turkish friends for their moral courage to stand up for what is right. We are also grateful to Iran and the militia who have spoken out.
But what is more important in many ways is that what India has done around the world can be sharply criticized. There are political parties in the European Parliament, the British Labor Party, the United Nations, the US Congress, ordinary citizens, NGOs, human rights activists, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and media agencies.
Sometimes the government does not speak, but the people have shown understanding and sympathy for the legitimacy of the Kashmiris and this unfortunate recent incident has been a very heartbreaking aspect since India rejected the special provisions.
We hope that this cooperation will continue. And governments that are the result of the aspirations of people all over the world will have the courage to speak the truth. What is happening with Kashmir and what needs to be done to alleviate their suffering.
Q: An important condition of this referendum was that it should withdraw Pakistan from the areas under its control and bring back to India those who were not residents of the state. India has accused Pakistan of not fulfilling the condition of withdrawal from its forces. What is Pakistan's position on this?
MSQ: Well, if you look at the history of the Kashmir dispute, it is a lie, misrepresentation and misuse of the situation by India to consolidate its hold on Kashmir. It is a way of trying to divert attention from using all available means to consolidate its hold on the vast, horrific Indian history of occupying Jammu and Kashmir. If that was the case then why do we now have 900,000 troops in Jammu and Kashmir as we estimate?
Q: Earlier this year, it was the first time since 1971 that the UNSC discussed Kashmir. What was the outcome of these discussions?
MSQ: The most important conclusion - and it brings me back to your previous question about India - is it an internal matter - it's not an internal matter because the UN Security Council Is debating. It was a manifestation of the seriousness with which the world is beginning to see, because the first and foremost thing is that more than 800,000 people have been denied the right to self-determination by a force that claims to be the most powerful in the world. Great democracy says. .
But Kashmir is also a very serious issue that threatens the peace and stability of the entire region. I am only drawing your attention to what happened in February this year, when the two countries were almost at war, when India crossed the international border and bombed Pakistani territory without provocation. We had to respond and in the process we destroyed Indian planes.
The two countries need to come together and have a meaningful conversation because at its heart, people are worried. There is a serious situation of peace and security in the region as well.
Q: Is everyone in the world demanding India and Pakistan to settle bilateral issues?
MSSQ: For us, it doesn't matter how the solution is achieved, bilaterally or multilaterally. Give diplomacy a chance, in which both sides intend to resolve the situation. Give Kashmiris their voice. We are ready to do that. Whether it is bilateral or multilateral. There is a saying in our national language, Urdu, that one who eats mango fruit does not count it as mango.
Our priority is to resolve this issue through a referendum, where people have a say.Why is it afraid of giving voice to Kashmiris under the democratic system of impartial referendum administered by the UN Security Council?
Q: Why has Pakistan not been able to persuade UNSC members to intervene and resolve the dispute once and for all?
MSQ: The UNSC meeting a few months ago was a step in that direction. Unfortunately, as everyone knows, sometimes what is important in the international community is not a writ of law but a possibility. India is perhaps considered an emerging economic, military and political power. People, countries are probably afraid to speak out against it.
Pakistan is not one of them. Turkey has proved that it can tell the truth regardless of the situation. The UN Security Council has a very serious responsibility on the shoulders of the entire international community. It needs to live up to the promises it has made to the Kashmiri people and the international community, and it needs to develop the moral courage to uphold its decisions because otherwise, compromise with the legitimacy of the Security Council itself. Has been Ironically, this is the Security Council, of which India wants to be a member. So how is this acceptable?
Road map for 2020
Q: What roadmap does Pakistan have in mind for resolving the Kashmir issue in 2020?
MSQ: In providing moral, political and diplomatic support to the Kashmiri people, it continues like history. We will have the opportunity to draw the attention of the people of the world and the governments and international organizations to the dire situation in Jammu and Kashmir. Kashmir is a political, security, human rights, and a humanitarian issue. Pakistan will continue these problems.
At the same time, Pakistan is ready to engage in a meaningful dialogue with the Indian side on this issue if it is willing to do so.
We hope that the multilateral bodies, mainly the UN Security Council, will also fulfill their duties and responsibilities and resolve this issue. Do you think the international media is raising enough awareness about the plight of Kashmiris?
MSQ: When you wake up every morning, you turn on the TV. You see the news from all over the world. Demonstrations are taking place in Country X and in Country Y. Some of these countries and regions may not be considered governments in terms of Western ideology, but there are also international media. They are covering these demonstrations. You see people on the streets, on the streets, and raising their voices for whatever they think is right.
One place where you don't see this coverage and one place that the world doesn't see on TV screens is Kashmir. It is a terrible irony and injustice to them. People there still don't have internet. Mobile phones are not allowed to send SMS messages when they are working. Kashmiris are still physically confined to their homes.