What is Computer Architecture?
Although the term computer architecture and organization seems complex, its definition is simpler than that. Computer architecture is a science or set of rules that explains how computer software and hardware are combined and interact to make a computer work. It not only determines how the computer works but also what technology the computer is capable of. Computers have become an important part of our lives, and computer architects continue to develop new and improved programs and technologies.

Define a Computer Architecture?
Computer architecture is an explanation of how hardware and software technologies work to create computer platforms or systems. When we think of the word architecture, we think of building a house or a building. Keeping this principle in mind, computer architecture involves the construction of a computer and all that comes into the computer system. Computer architecture consists of three main types.
- System Design - This includes direct access to all parts of the hardware, such as the CPU, data processors, multiprocessors, memory controllers, and memory. This part is the original computer system.
- Instruction Set Architecture - This includes CPU functions and capabilities, CPU programming language, data format, processor register types, and instructions used by computer programmers. This part is the software that runs it, such as Windows or Photoshop or similar programs.
- MicroArchitecture - This describes the data processing and storage elements or data paths and how they should be applied in the instruction set architecture. These may include DVD storage devices or similar devices.
All these parts come together in a special order and they must be made into a pattern so that they work properly.
How to become a computer architect:
To become a computer architect, often referred to as a computer network architect, the candidate must have at least a bachelor's degree in computer science, engineering, information systems, or a related field. The best programs for aspiring computer architects are computer-based fields because they offer students the most experience in database design or network security, both of which are important for computer architects. These classes also teach students the various technologies used in different networks.
Some students choose to complete an MBA (Masters of Business Administration) focusing on information systems. The advantage of this program is that it offers both computer related and business courses. Even after obtaining a degree, applicants may need to have at least five years of experience with the IT system before hiring a computer architect. Once enough experience is gained, some computer architects become computer and information system managers.
Career Outlook:
As long as we have computers and all the parts that go into the computer system, there will be a demand for computer architects. The annual growth in employment through computer detectors is expected to be between 2016 and 2026, as reported by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Although the need for computer architects in cloud computing has decreased to some extent, they will continue to be in demand as businesses continue to increase their technology needs. BLS reports that computer builders earned nationwide wages ranging from 58 58,160 to $ 162,390 as of May 2017, with an average wage of 10 107,870.
As computers become more technologically advanced, computer machinery will continue to be an interesting career for candidates interested in developing these machines.
Components of Computer Architecture:
A computer consists of three main componentsA computer consists of three main components
- Input/Output(I/O) Unit.
- Central Processing Unit(CPU).
- Memory Unit.
Input unit
The computer accepts information coded by the user through the input unit. It is a device used to provide information to a computer. Such as keyboard, mouse, etc.
Output unit
Sends processed results from this output to the user. It is mainly used to show the desired results to the user. It is mainly used to display the desired result to the user according to the input instruction. E.g., video monitors, printers and plotters, etc.
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
This central processing unit consists of a set of register, math and control circuits, which together interpret and execute instructions in the assembly language. These are the basic functions of the CPU
- The CPU transfers instructions and input data from the main memory to the register. That is. Internal memory
- The CPU executes instructions in the storage configuration.
- When necessary, the CPU transfers the output data from the registers to the main memory.
The central processing unit (CPU) is often called the computer brain. The CPU is invented as a single integrated circuit (IC) chip and is also known as a microprocessor. A CPU controls all internal and external devices and performs mathematical and logical operations. The CPU consists of three main subsystems. Accounting Logic Unit (ALU), Control Unit (CU) and Register.
Mathematical Logic Unit (ALU)
The mathematics logic unit has an electronic circuit that performs all the mathematical and logical operations on the available data. It is used for all mathematical calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and logical calculations (<,>. +, And, or, etc.). The logical unit compares numbers, letters, and special characters. ALU uses registers to store the data that is being processed.
Registers are special purpose and fast temporary memory units. The registers are not referenced by their address, but are accessed and manipulated directly by the CPU during implementation. Basically, they contain information that the CPU is currently working on. Registers processing data, instructions, addresses and intermediate results.
The number and size of different registers vary from processor.
Control unit (CU)
The control unit connects to the computer's input and output devices. It instructs the computer to follow the instructions of the storage program by communicating with the ALU and registers. It manages the processing of data and instructions.
To maintain a proper sequence of processing data, the control unit uses clock inputs. The main function of the control unit is to bring instructions to the devices involved and to generate control signals accordingly.
A microprocessor is a controlling element in a computer system and is sometimes called a chip. The microprocessor is the main hardware that runs the computer.
It is a target printed circuit board (PCB), used in all electronic systems such as computers, calculators, digital systems. CPU speed depends on the type of microprocessor.
The Intel 40004 was the first microprocessor to have a 4-bit bus width on a single chip containing all CPU components.
Some popular microprocessors are Intel, Dual Core, Pentium IV, etc.

Memory unit
Memory is the part of the computer that contains data and instructions. Memory is an integral part of the CPU. The memory unit consists of primary memory and secondary.
Primary memory
Primary memory or computer main memory is used to store data and instructions
There are two types of basic memory that follow instructions. Random access memory (RAM) and read only memory (ROM).
Random Access Memory (RAM) It provides the required information directly to the processor. RAM is a stable memory. It provides temporary storage for data and instructions. Ram is classified into two categories.
- Static Random Access Memory (SRAM).
- Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM).